Wildfire Preparedness
Wildfire risk is increasing in Western Washington, but your home CAN survive a wildfire. Interested in learning how you can make your home and community more wildfire resilient?
Skagit and Whatcom Conservation Districts offer a comprehensive wildfire preparedness and education program to landowners across Whatcom County. Our services are non-regulatory, confidential, and FREE.
While each county has their unique settings and circumstances, wildfire doesn’t recognize political boundaries. The current regional Wildfire Resilience Program provides an efficient and collaborative approach to addressing wildfire risk.
Our Wildfire Resilience team has the knowledge and resources to help homeowners and communities understand their wildfire risk and feel empowered to take preparedness actions.
The Wildfire Resilience Team

Home Risk Assessments
Homeowners play an essential role in whether or not their home will survive in a wildfire. Simple actions taken ahead of time can reduce the risk of damage or destruction to a home, provide a better chance for fire fighters to defend the home, and reduce the risk of spreading fire to neighbors.
To find out how you can improve the safety of your property from wildfire, sign up for a FREE and customized on-site assessment. With this assessment you will also receive helpful resources and a report that defines which actions to take to improve your property’s resilience to wildfires.

Community Assistance
Abordar el riesgo de incendios forestales en su propiedad no tiene que hacerse solo. Trabajar junto con sus vecinos o la comunidad permite un esfuerzo de equipo para abordar su riesgo compartido. Uno de los mejores mĆ©todos para abordar el riesgo de incendios forestales a escala de vecindario es a travĆ©s del programa NFPA Firewise USAĀ® . Este programa proporciona un marco para que las comunidades conozcan y aborden juntos el riesgo de incendios forestales. Algunos beneficios incluyen acceso a profesionales de incendios forestales, asĆ como acceso a subvenciones y oportunidades de financiaciĆ³n de proyectos.

La colaboraciĆ³n y las asociaciones son la base para desarrollar la resiliencia de la comunidad ante los incendios forestales. Ya sean agencias y organizaciones trabajando juntas o vecinos trabajando con otros vecinos; La adaptaciĆ³n a los incendios forestales tiene mĆ”s Ć©xito cuando se aborda en colaboraciĆ³n. Todos tienen un papel que desempeƱar en la adaptaciĆ³n a los incendios forestales. A continuaciĆ³n se ilustran varios de los diferentes componentes y acciones asociados con la adaptaciĆ³n al fuego. Hasta ahora, Skagit CD ha centrado los esfuerzos de su programa en los componentes resaltados en naranja.
Lake Whatcom Wildfire Preparedness Workshop Nov. 14, 2023
Photo credits: Pexels on Pixabay, Landon Parenteau on Unsplash, Dean Ricciardi on Unsplash, Alexi Guddal from Whatcom CD