Programa de CapacitaciĆ³n para Voluntarios Watershed Masters
La capacitaciĆ³n se lleva a cabo en el otoƱo (septiembre a noviembre); sin embargo, los talleres trimestrales, las excursiones y otros eventos se llevan a cabo durante todo el aƱo.
Para conocer las fechas y horarios de los prĆ³ximos eventos y conocer las Ćŗltimas novedades sobre los graduados de Watershed Masters, llame a Carla Glassman al 428-4313 ext.1025 o envĆe un correo electrĆ³nico a Carla @skagitcd.org
Los voluntarios que completan la capacitaciĆ³n regresan cuarenta horas de servicio voluntario durante el prĆ³ximo aƱo (o dos) al emprender proyectos diseƱados para proteger y/o restaurar la calidad del agua, o educar al pĆŗblico sobre estos mismos temas. El Coordinador del Proyecto trabajarĆ” con cada Voluntario de Watershed Master que haya completado la capacitaciĆ³n para diseƱar un plan de acciĆ³n para devolver las cuarenta horas de capacitaciĆ³n. Los proyectos de voluntariado estĆ”n orientados hacia los intereses del participante.
What is Stormwater runoff?
Stormwater runoff is rain or snowmelt when it flows over land or paved surfaces and is not absorbed into the ground.
The Problem with Runoff
As water runoff flows across the ground's surfaces, it picks up what it touches. The further over land runoff travels, the more polluted it becomes.
Unless something intercepts it, the runoff carries dirt, chemicals, and other pollutants directly to our streams and waterways.
The other Problem; there's too much runoff
As we build more roads, houses, and other hard surfaces, less water is able to be absorbed into the soil and underground aquafers, so more and more water is running across the surface. The increase of surface water Runoff can be a powerful thing, causing erosion and flooding damage.
What is a watershed?

Every site that is not perfectly flat and perfectly level is a watershed
(the land area down which all water flows).
All land on earth is a watershed

The amount of area covered by plants affects the amount of water that will infiltrate the soil.
Greater impervious areas (like roads, roofs, and parking lots) result in greater amounts of water runoff.
Plants slow the flow of water and increase the permeability of the soil.

When it rains in the forest, most of the water evaporates or is absorbed into the ground where it recharges groundwater or is taken up by the roots of the plants and trees. Allowing water to filter through the ground naturally, removes many of the pollutants in the water before it reaches our rivers, lakes, and marine waters.

Traditional Stormwater management (also called "gray infrastructure")
channels runoff from the site as quickly as possible. When our stormwater management process was originally created, the main concern was the potential damage to structures, so the focus was to direct runoff away from roads, buildings, and structures quickly.
Unfortunately, this type of management results in too much water, flowing along, picking up contaminants, flooding rivers, and polluting all our waterways. The gray infrastructure in many areas is aging, and it doesn't have the capacity to manage large volumes of stormwater.

Low-Impact Development (LID) (also called "green infrastructure")
is designed to mimic the natural hydrologic functions of a site.
Slowing the runoff, allows the water to filter into the soil which reduces the amount of runoff eroding land and picking up pollutants, which reduces the amount of pollutants that end up in our waterways.

The Good News!
Not only do these techniques improve water quality, restore ground water reserves, and create a healthier yard, but many of these techniques are easily accomplished, beautiful, and low maintenance additions to our homes that don't require any extra cost, just a different plan.
The Solution
Slow the flow of water, so it can be soaked into and filtered through the soil.
Water is an important resource; we shouldn't let it run amuck.
The Basics of LID
Minimize site disturbance and protect native soils and vegetation (Don't remove native trees and shrubs unnecessarily. Do not disturb or compact soil unnecessarily.)
Use on-site natural features (Let the site work for you.)
Manage stormwater close to the source (don’t let the water leave the site).
Distributed stormwater Best Management Practices (BMPs) (Use BMPs effectively throughout the site.)

WSU Catching Rain fact sheets
Low Impact Development promotes the view of rainwater as a resource to be preserved and protected, not a nuisance to be eliminated.
When implemented broadly, LID can mitigate the urban heat island effect, save energy, reduce air and water pollution, improve neighborhood aesthetics, increase groundwater recharge, and increase habitat for wildlife, such as birds and pollinators.
Q. Is it true that LID practices don't work in areas that receive large volume storms?
A. No.
LID is economical
LID is as cost-effective as—if not more cost-effective than—conventional approaches in part because of the long term savings in maintenance and repair. Not to mention the aesthetic benefits.
Raingardens attract dragonflies, frogs, and birds
Water in a properly designed rain garden will not last more than 2 days after most storms which is not long enough for mosquitoes to use, but it will be enjoyed by many of our wild friends.
Rain gardens are designed to be self-sufficient
Some weeding and watering will be needed in the first two years, and perhaps some thinning in later years as the plants mature, but a well-planned raingarden can be maintained with little effort after the plants are established.
Why aren't more people using LID techniques?
I don't know! Maybe they haven't heard about them yet. We need to spread the word!
LID Techniques Can Be Applied at Any Development Stage
• In undeveloped areas, an LID design can be incorporated in the early planning stages. Typical new construction LID techniques include protecting open spaces and natural areas such as wetlands, installing bioretention areas (vegetated depressions) and reducing the amount of pavement.
• In developed areas, communities can add LID practices to solve problems and provide benefits such as being used to buffer structures from roads, enhance privacy among residences, and for an aesthetic site feature. Typical post-development LID practices range from directing roof drainage to an attractive rain garden to retrofitting streets with features that capture and infiltrate rainwater.
WSU "Catching Rain" Fact Sheets
Click logos below for stormwater information related to location.