Cover Crop Grant Program
Skagit County VSP and Skagit Conservation District are teaming up to provide grants to help farmers offset the cost of cover crop seed. Cover crops are a great way to recycle nitrogen, improve soil organic matter and carbon sequestration, reduce erosion, improve water quality, and maintain living roots and the soil biotic community. If you are thinking about trying cover crops in your fields, consider applying for a grant with us. To get started, fill out the application below or for more information contact an SCD Farm Planner.

Overview and Eligibility
Grants will be awarded for this limited funding on a first-come, first served basis following review of applications. There are no acreage minimum or maximum requirements. All planted acres must be in Skagit County. Seed costs will be reimbursed for approved applications. Producers supply the labor and the equipment or hire the work out. SCD farm planners will work with producers to develop an approved termination plan. All seed must be consistent with local and state ordinances and regulations (i.e. restrictions on brassicas in commercial brassica seed growing areas). Purchased seed must be free of prohibited noxious weed seeds and have a germination rate of 80% or better.
Next Steps
Once you complete your application a SCD Planner will review your information and get in contact. Planners will work to identify fields on a map and calculate acreage. Once all this information is collected and approved, the planner and producer will sign the contract and approve ordering seed. *Cover crops may be grazed or chopped for on-farm livestock forage after becoming well established. Manure may be applied in the fall at agronomic rates.
To receive payment, producers must certify cover crop germination/establishment with the Skagit Conservation District farm planner.
For more information on this program contact: Jeff Frazier or Ryan Gelwicks